Simple Past Tense vs. Present Perfect Tense

28/08/2011 22:56

Sempre usamos o Simple Past Tense quando queremos expressar uma ação que se iniciou e terminou no passado e que não tem consequências e não se extende até o presente. Para formar este tempo vebal, utilizamos o passado simples dos verbos. Ex.

1- swim (present tense); SWAM (simple past); swum (past participle) -- irregular verb

2- travel; traveled // travelled -- regular verb



My father traveled to the U.S. last week.

Mike and I swam a lot at the club yesterday afternoon.

John finished taking his history test two hours ago.

I saw Jim last week.

We first met in 2008.


O Present Perfect Tense é um tempo verbal muito particular e peculiar utilizado na língua inglesa. Na realidade, este tempo verbal é um Present Tense e não um Past Tense, como as vezes o Present Perfect Tense é considerado. O Present Perfect é usado para expressar ações e acontecimentos que se iniciaram no passado mas que se extendem, estão conectados e tem consequências no presente. A melhor forma de entender este tempo verbal tão utilizado é através de exemplos. Abaixo seguem alguns:

** Os advérbios de tempo passado SINCE e FOR são utlizados na construção do Present Perfect Tense.


I have lost my ticket. ( I realized I had lost my ticket when I arrived at the airport)

Jane has lived here in L.A. since 1985.

Bill has been a doctor for ten years.

Up to the present we have had no news of the escaped prisoner.

Have you ever been to Paris?

We have never been to Paris.

Have you read that book yet?

I have not yet read that book. OR

I still have not read that book.

We have not been to the movies lately.

He has recently gotten married.

The results have just been announced

The judge has already announced his decision.

He has lived in this house since he came to our town.

Bill has been a math teacher for twenty years.


** Advérbios comumente usados na construção de frases no Present Perfect Tense:

Since, for, lately, recently, just, already, up to the present, yet, not yet, ever, never.