FOR vs. TO
28/08/2011 16:17
Bem, muitas dúvidas giram em torno do uso das preposições FOR e TO. Afinal, quando uso FOR e quando uso TO. A dúvida que não quer calar. Ambas as preposições FOR e TO tem praticamente o mesmo significado. Vale citar também que FOR também pode ser usado como conjunção (since, as) Ex: Mike ended up being fired last week for he failed to reach the sales target he´d been given by his boss. Vide abaixo exemplos de usos de FOR e TO:
FOR: algumas traduções -- por, em lugar de, em vez de , em defesa de, a favor de, por, para, a fim de, etc. No entanto, não se aprende a utilizar corretamente esta preposição do dia para a noite. Requer convívio com a língua através de leituras, filmes, músicas etc. Não há uma fórmula mágica! Se lhe disseram que existe, não lhe informaram corretamente. Desta forma, o melhor, a princípio seria memorizar certas expressões e frases que são formadas com a preposição FOR. Abaixo seguem algumas delas:
He went FOR the morning paper.(newspaper)
Is this letter FOR me?
What is it FOR?
Let´s all pray FOR peace.
Jack works FOR a local law firm / FOR the city government.
M FOR Michael. (M de Michael)
FOR this reason
FOR fear of being criticized
It is cold FOR July.
The house was sold FOR $150,000.
Are you FOR or against us?
Vote FOR Mr. John Doe FOR Governor.
We walked FOR miles until we reached a gas station.
Jane will be away FOR a whole month.
I have known Mr. Williams FOR years.
Can you write all these pending reports FOR tomorrow?
I think it would be best FOR you to leave before it starts raining.
There is still some time left FOR you to write the letter to your parents.
FOR how long?
FOR the time being.
Once FOR all.
FOR a while.
What FOR?
It is not FOR me to judge.
He may go bankrupt FOR all I care.
FOR that matter.
I have not seen him FOR five years. (Uso específico com o Present Perfect)
TO: algumas traduções: a, para; até, de. Do mesmo modo que ocorre com a preposição FOR, o mais aconselhável seria aprender as suas utilizações corretas através de textos originais na língua inglesa, como livros, revistas, fimes, música etc. Todavia, acredito que os exemplos abaixo serão bem úteis:
We went TO France and the United Kingdom last year.
I have to go TO the doctor´s (office) tomorrow morning.
TO the left // TO the right.
Let´s count TO ten and start running.
A quarter TO five (etc...)
Where´s the key TO the front door?
Jack sent yet another e-mail TO his boss but has not yet received a response.
To give something TO somebody.
To talk TO somebody.
To speak TO somebody
I sold the house TO a friend of mine last week.
To cause damage TO somebody.
Three goals TO two.
Nine apples TO the kilo.
To come TO somebody´s aid.
To sentence somebody TO death.
Have a nice weekend! The same TO you!